Statements of “Dolfinarium Experts”

After the Free Morgan Foundation had given the experts of the Dolphinarium additional information regarding collected acoustic information which reveals that Morgan is related to the Norwegian P pod Morgan’s natal group or a related kin group and information which indicate that killer whales groups are now sighted frequently near Vesterålen in northern Norway during summer, four experts changed their opinion and stated that Morgan is a prime candidate for release.

“Given this new information, I now believe that rehabilitation back to the wild for Morgan is potentially feasible and an effort to accomplish this warrants serious consideration.”
– John K.B. Ford, PhD Head, Cetacean Research Program Conservation Biology Section
“Given this new information, I believe that rehabilitation back to the wild for Morgan is potentially feasible.”
– Christophe Guinet Directeur de recherche CEBC-CNRS

“One thing that I do think is that it would be a very interesting scientific experiment to prepare Morgan for ultimate release into the open sea, providing that she is tagged for tracking and monitoring on release.”
– Dr. Christina Lockyer

“The plan of moving Morgan in a seapen in a fjord in Vesteralen or Lofoten is very much in line of my original recommendation.”
– Fernando Ugarte Greenland Institute of Natural Resources

Read their full letters and emails.
